There are no shortage of options for you to choose from, when considering after school activities for your children. But we believe the best after school programs will include these important elements:
Physical Fitness - Childhood obesity has reached epidemic proportions in our country and our state. Children need to develop a lifestyle that includes fitness. Obesity places young people at risk for diabetes, heart disease, and other diseases. Unfortunately, many schools have eliminated physical fitness as part of their programs. Giving your child the opportunity learn the benefits of physical fitness at an early age will benefit them throughout his or her entire life.
Mental Dexterity - Just because the school day ends doesn't mean your child's mind should not be active or that learning should stop. Your child's after-school activity should continue to stimulate their thinking, and help them stretch their mental capabilities. Such a program will actually help improve their performance in school.
Self-Defense/Anti-Bullying Education - Bullying continues to be an issue facing our schools. We've posted a variety of information about that topic on this blog. Any after school activity your child is in should give them the skills to both recognize and overcome bullying behavior (both in others and themselves).
Long-term Perspective - A quality after school program will understand it is helping prepare your child for life. Its staff won't just be focused on short-term benefits or performance. Instead they will ensure that a strong foundation is laid for their future success.
Finding a program that can meet all of these criteria can be challenging. However, All American Martial Arts has created a Taekwondo After-school Pick-up Program (T.A.P.P.) that meets each of these requirements.
The Martial Arts is a great way to help your child develop a healthy lifestyle. Our T.A.P.P. program develops coordination, balance, flexibility, and strength. In addition, our programs will also challenge your child mentally. Your daughter or son will consistently be challenged to stretch their thinking and improve their problem-solving skills. The Martial Arts are known for self-defense instruction.
If T.A.P.P. sounds like a program you would like your son or daughter to participate in, then we would like to visit with you. Click on this link to find out more about the program and for the most convenient way to contact us.
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