All American Martial Arts Overview

Friday, October 14, 2011

Top 10 List for Choosing a Martial Arts School

At All American Martial Arts we recognize that not everyone has the opportunity to train at our facility.  So we thought we'd provide a "Top 10" list to help you choose the right Martial Arts school for you.  We hope you find it useful and enjoyable.  And, if you are looking for a school in our area, please come compare us against our checklist.
  • Friendly & Courteous Staff - Does a staff member greet you and offer assistance when you enter the door?  Do they show an interest in you by asking questions?
  • Professional Instructors - Do the instructors manage their classes well?  Do they know what they are teaching?  Do students respond well and enjoy the classes?
  • Family Friendly Environment - Regardless whether just you or a child is training, or if the whole family is, does the staff create an environment that welcomes your family and friends and treats them with respect?
  • Convenient Schedule - Does the school offer a variety of classes at times that can fit your schedule.  These may include early morning or daytime classes, as well as traditional evening programs.
  • Multiple Programs - Does the school offer a variety of training programs that can enhance the students' experience as they progress?  Do they have different programs for youth and adults?
  • Appropriate Facilities - Is there enough space to adequately train?  Is the facility clean?  Do they have an area for parents with small children to watch the floor?  Do they have enough training equipment?
  • They Expect a Commitment - Many schools will lure you in with the "No Contract" appeal.  Here's what we know - a school that doesn't expect a commitment from you, will not make a commitment to you.  They are out for the "fast buck" and have little concern about your progress.  Look for a school that expects a commitment from you.  They'll give more to you in return.
  • They Emphasize Life Skills in Classes - This is especially important for younger students, but also adults.  The Martial Arts have been and should be about more than just kicking and punching.  A school that fails to embrace the character-building nature of the Martial Arts is giving its students tools, but no guidance on how to properly use them.
  • They teach practical, effective, Self-Defense - At All American Martial Arts we believe every discipline has something of value and can be learned from.  But when it comes to self-defense, we believe practical, real-world techniques should be taught.  Schools that ask you to abandon your common sense, or teach overly complicated techniques make harder to defend yourself.
  • Demonstrate Value - Whether it's in their youth or adult programs, self-defense or competition programs, or enhanced programs like a black belt clubs or master clubs, the school should be able to clearly demonstrate that you are getting good value for the time and money they are asking in return.
If you have any questions or would like to know more about how to choose a good martial arts school, please feel free to contact us at (405) 601-0639 or by e-mail at

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